In addition to sore throat, chronic and severe acid reflux that goes unmanaged can lead to a rare but serious condition called Barrett’s esophagus. Narrowing of the esophagus ( benign esophageal stricture) can also lead to throat pain and dysphagia. Dysphagia: This is difficulty swallowing when scar tissue forms in the esophageal lining from GERD.

Continuous cough: Some people with GERD feel the need to clear their throats frequently, creating soreness and hoarseness.Esophagitis: Irritation of the tissues lining the throat is due to the potent nature of stomach and esophageal acids.Possible complications of acid reflux on the throat include: Chronic, unmanaged acid reflux can contribute to throat soreness and can lead to complications. Whether you use medications or lifestyle strategies (or both), it’s important to manage your GERD symptoms. In most cases, your doctor will need to prescribe them (one exception is Prilosec OTC, which is a weaker version of Prilosec). PPI medications are the strongest drugs for reducing stomach acid production. famotidine (Pepcid AC or Pepcid Oral Tabs).There are both OTC and prescription H2 blockers available. H2 blocker medications work by stopping cells in your stomach from producing so much acid. aluminum hydroxide formulas (usually used in combination with magnesium hydroxide).sodium bicarbonate (baking soda, found in Alka-Seltzer).calcium carbonate (found in Tums and Rolaids).They work to neutralize stomach acid and relieve symptoms of GERD with salts and hydroxide or bicarbonate ions.

GERD medicines that help reduce or neutralize stomach acids include antacids, H2 receptor blockers, and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).Īntacids are OTC medications. You may want to consider medications if your acid reflux isn’t helped by changing your eating habits. Although the pain is uncomfortable, it’s important to treat your symptoms safely. Talk to your doctor before using herbal supplements or other medications to soothe a sore throat.

Try not to lie down within a few hours of eating to prevent GERD symptoms.